- 0
- 0
#342 opened by 13567436138 - 0
How to add a member to an AWS managed cluster
#339 opened by xushijie9 - 2
difference with karmada
#315 opened by warjiang - 0
Does components on host cluster supported HA?
#337 opened by lowang-bh - 2
- 2
- 1
- 0
Need a webhook to constrain user input
#294 opened by Poor12 - 1
Accidental UT errors
#241 opened by Poor12 - 6
[Error] in installation: make local-up
#286 opened by Larry-shuo - 5
`pkg/util/annotation` and `pkg/util/finalizers` should use `metav1.Object` instead of `pkgruntime.Object` for more ergonomic annotation handling
#99 opened by gary-lgy - 0
- 3
- 1
Misconfiguration of a single FTC prevents the FTC controller from progressing
#67 opened by limhawjia - 3
`readyz` should reflect `InformerManager` and `FederatedInformerManager`'s cache sync status
#272 opened by gary-lgy - 0
Organize the constants
#275 opened by gary-lgy - 0
Investigate whether we can combine `pkg/util/collectedstatusadapters` and `pkg/util/fedobjectadapters`
#274 opened by gary-lgy - 0
Clean up unused functions in `pkg/util/naming`
#273 opened by gary-lgy - 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
cluster available resource is less than 0
#244 opened by Poor12 - 2
Replace `` with `fmt`?
#98 opened by gary-lgy - 1
- 0
- 3
kubeadmiral can schedule no native k8s crd, like argo workflow or volcano job?
#136 opened by haiker2011 - 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
Clean up kubebuilder marker comments
#135 opened by gary-lgy - 1
Data race with sourcefeedback in federate controller
#34 opened by SOF3 - 0
Scheduler fixes
#44 opened by gary-lgy - 1
Env vars HOST_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG and HOST_CLUSTER_CONTEXT was not defined before in quick start
#55 opened by xiaopei-yuan - 1
`make kind` does not create $HOME/.kube/kubeadmiral/kubeconfig.yaml as expected
#53 opened by xiaopei-yuan - 1
Should not `append` to global slices
#36 opened by gary-lgy