
☕ Choose your favorite coffee beans.

Primary LanguageRuby


Project Description: "Find Your House"

React Directory: ./app/javascript/packs

💡 This is a Rails-React hybrid repository. For the Front-End of the application, Rails only rendering one empty view(app/views/pages/index.html.erb) with the default layout. In the default layout we have javascript_pack_tag which is rendering the react scripts. After this initial response from rails, all the interactions are made with API calls(app/javascript/packs/src/API) with Backend via React. There is no other full-page response other than the first one.

➡️ Features

☕ Browse through a list of coffee beans.

⭐ You can add new coffee beans and put them in your favorite list.

🔒 Also you can create your own account to secure your favorite list.

Live Demo

Live Demo Link


Built With

  • Rails
  • React
  • Redux
  • Jest
  • RSpec

⭐ Getting Started ⭐


  • A modern browser, up to date.
  • Node.js, if you are going to use it in the local environment.
  • A text editor.


First clone the repository(in Terminal):
  • Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/kubilaycaglayan/coffee.git
  • Enter the project directory: cd coffee
  • Checkout to current the working branch git checkout coffee
  • Run npm to install the dependencies npm install
  • Run bundle to install the dependencies bundle
  • Initialize the database with these set of commands rails db:create && rails db:migrate && rails db:seed

🖥️ Running In The Local Environment

After setup:

  • Start the server rails s
  • You can visit the website by typing this to your browser: http://localhost:3000/

🧪 Automated Tests

There are two sets of tests for this project. One for Rails and one for React side.

After setup:

React Test (36)
  • Run tests with npm test, and then please push a to run all the tests.
  • Or, as an alternative to the above, you can directly run this command npx jest.
  • All the API methods, reducers and actions are tested. Also, containers and components which does not require login are also tested.
Rails Test (51)
  • Run tests with rspec
  • All controller actions are tested with requests. Also model associations tested.

Which "Nice To Have Requirements" I Have Added To My Project?

  • Implement proper user authentication from the front-end to the server

I wanted to learn more about authentication relationships between rails and react, when we are not allowed to use rails views.

  • Create a user table in your database, so that a given user could only access the favourites they selected

I wanted to give my users a better experience. They can have their own isolated area in the website. They customize their favorites list. Also easily scalable to other features like sending text messages.

  • Create an admin panel to create /update / delete houses

I wanted to give my users a better experience. They can have create own coffees. This is not as an admin panel. Every logged in user can add a coffee to the system with an image.

Future Features

  • Users can delete the coffees.
  • Users update coffees.
  • Users can send text messages each other.


👤 Kubilay Caglayan

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


Useful Commands

  • Open console in test environment

rails c -e test

  • Start server in test environment

rails s -e test

  • Reset test database

rails RAILS_ENV=test db:reset

  • Seed test database

rails RAILS_ENV=test db:seed

  • Show current database in rails console
