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Native lazy loading plugin for Rehype.


$ yarn add rehype-plugin-image-native-lazy-loading # or npm install


General Use

  1. Add loading="lazy" to your markdown document
import fs from 'fs'
import lazyLoadPlugin from 'rehype-plugin-image-native-lazy-loading'
import unified from 'unified'
import markdown from 'remark-parse'
import remark2rehype from 'remark-rehype'
import html from 'rehype-stringify'

async function process(markdown: string) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    .process(markdown, (err, file) => {
      if (err) {
        return reject(err)
      return resolve(file.toString())

async function run() {
  const input = `# test
  const output = await process(input)
  console.log(output) // `<h1>test</h1>\n<img alt="potato4d" loading="lazy" src="">`
  1. Add loading="lazy" to your HTML document
import fs from 'fs'
import lazyLoadPlugin from 'rehype-plugin-image-native-lazy-loading'
import unified from 'unified'
import parse from 'rehype-parse'
import slug from 'rehype-slug'
import stringify from 'rehype-stringify'

async function process(html: string) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    .process(html, (err, file) => {
      if (err) {
        return reject(err)
      return resolve(file.toString())

async function run() {
  const input = `<h1>test</h1>\n<img alt="potato4d" src="">`
  const output = await process(input)
  console.log(output) // `<h1>test</h1>\n<img alt="potato4d" loading="lazy" src="">`

Used with the Framework


in your nuxt.config.js

export default {
  // ...
  content: {
    markdown: {
      rehypePlugins: [
  // ...

For more information, see official document.

Support browsers

  • 19 Sep. 2020

Image from Gyazo