
Analysis of differentially methylated regions in Eastern oysters exposed to ambient or high pCO2 conditions.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Influence of ocean acidification on Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reproductive tissue


Epigenetic modification, specifically DNA methylation, is one possible mechanism for transgenerational plasticity. Before inheritance of methylation patterns can be characterized we need a better understanding of how environmental change modifies the parental epigenome. Specifically, methylation patterns should be understood in reproductive tissue. Collaboarting with Dr. Kathleen Lotterhos' lab at Northeastern University, we examined the effect of ocean acidification on Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) reproductive tissue.

The Lotterhos lab exposed twelve oysters to two different pCO2 for four weeks at 15ºC during the summer of 2017. Half of the oysters were exposed to 400 µatm (control), and the other half to 2800 µatm. The Lotterhos lab sent gonad samples for MBDSeq to identify if different pCO2 conditions drive differential methylation patterns. I prepared samples for bisulfite sequencing. Information about sample preparation and tangential analyses can be found in the broader project repository.


Does acute exposure to elevated pCO2 conditions induce differential methylation in Crassostrea virginica reproductive tissue?


My goal is to identify differentially methylated regions and loci between oysters exposed to ambient and elevated pCO2 conditions.



  1. Receive sequencing data and trim files as appropriate
  2. Align trimmed files to a reference bisulfite genome in bismark
  3. Isolate differentially methylated loci (DML) and regions (DMR) from alignments in methylKit
  4. Characterize DML and DMR with bedtools


Figure 1. Overview of methods used in this project.

Project Timeline

Week 4:

  • Start bismark alignment on Mox: Protocol can be found here
  • Use different samples to create working methylKit protocol. This work was done in a different Github repository.
    • Validate analysis parameters in methylKit with other samples: Results can be found here
    • Create protocol for tiling analysis in methylKit: Results can be found here

Week 5:

Week 6:

Week 7:

Week 9:

  • Visualize data and complete all remaining analyses


Analysis parameter validation

A full descriiption of methylKit parameter validation can be found here, with a focus on methylKit tiling analysis here.


Table 1. Mapping efficiency (%) for Bismark v.19.0 and Bowtie 2-2.3.4 (Linux x84_64 version) alignment of trimmed sample sequences to the C. virginica bisulfite genome. Mapping efficiency (%) based on different -score_min settings. For final analyses, an alignment score function of f(x) = 0 - 1.2x, where x is the read length, was set using -score_min L,0,-1.2 to set define alignment stringency and optimize mapping efficiency for all samples.

Treatment Sample L,0,-0.6 L,0,-0.9 L,0,-1.2
Control 1 15.5 20.2 28.8
Control 2 32.4 40.2 49.8
Control 3 37.2 45.3 53.6
Control 4 36.0 44.7 52.9
Control 5 34.6 42.9 51.7
High 6 36.7 45.0 53.8
High 7 34.6 42.9 51.4
High 8 31.7 39.0 47.6
High 9 33.0 41.2 49.9
High 10 36.6 44.9 53.0


Figure 2. Mapping efficiency (%) for Bismark v.19.0 and Bowtie 2-2.3.4 (Linux x84_64 version) alignment of trimmed sample sequences to the C. virginica bisulfite genome.



Table 2. The mincov metric, total number of loci produced, and the number of DMLs that were at least 50% different between treatment andc control samples. More restrictive mincov metrics produced less significantly different DMLs. mincov = 3 was used in final analysis.

mincov Total Loci Number of Significantly Different DMLs
1 1112085 4904
3 670301 1398
5 503780 816


Figure 3. Dendogram for clustering of full sample methylation using mincov = 3 for DML.


Figure 4. Principal Components Analysis of full sample methylation using mincov = 3 for DML.


Table 3. Window size, step size, total number of regions produced, and the number of DMLs that were at least 50% different between treatment and control samples. The number of regions and siginificantly different DMRs seem to be dictated by the window size, and not the step size.

Window Size (bp) Step Size (bp) Total Regions Number of Significantly Different DMRs
100 100 217538 162
1000 1000 104144 118
1000 100 104144 118


Figure 5. Dendogram for clustering of full sample methylation using mincov = 3 and 100 bp window and step sizes for DMR.


Figure 6. Principal Components Analysis of full sample methylation using mincov = 3 and 100 bp window and step sizes for DMR.

DML and DMR location characterization

A full description can be found here.


Figure 6. Full sample methylation viewed in Integrative Genome Viewer.


Table 4. Location of differentially methylated loci (DML) in various genomic features from BEDtools intersect v2.26.0. Genome feature files were downloaded from NCBI. The C. virginica genome has 60,201 genes total. For each locus, hypermethylated refers to significantly higher methylation in treatment samples, while hypomethylated indicates significantly lower methylation. Transposable elements refers to those identified using C. gigas as the species designation.

Genomic Feature Result
Total DML 1398
Hypomethylated DML 747
Hypermethylated DML 651
Total genes with DML 2,683
DML in mRNA coding regions 1263 (90.34%)
DML in exons 786 (56.22%)
DML in introns 498 (35.62%)
DML in transposable elements 91 (6.51%)


Table 5. Location of differentially methylated regions (DMR) in various genomic features from BEDtools intersect v2.26.0. Regions were identified in a tiling window analysis in methylKit v.1.7.9 in R Genome feature files were downloaded from NCBI. The C. virginica genome has 60,201 genes total. For each 100 bp region, hypermethylated refers to significantly higher methylation in treatment samples, while hypomethylated indicates significantly lower methylation. Transposable elements refers to those identified using C. gigas as the species designation.

Genomic Feature Result
Total DMR 162
Hypomethylated DMR 23
Hypermethylated DMR 139
Total genes with DMR 305
DMR in mRNA coding regions 139 (85.80%)
DMR in exons 64 (39.51%)
DMR in introns 112 (69.14%)
DMR in transposable elements 23 (14.20%)

Transposable elements:

Table 6. Percent overlap between transposable element and exons, introns, and mRNA coding regions. Transposable elements refers to those identified using C. gigas as the species designation.

Genomic Feature Overlap
mRNA Coding Regions 7.79
Exons 6.00
Introns 14.2

Flanking analysis

A full description can be found here.

bedtools flank

1000 bp flanks for mRNA coding regions



bedtools closest


Closest non-overlapping DML to mRNA coding regions


Closest non-overlapping DMR to mRNA coding regions

Next Steps

  1. Determine if a formal gene enrichment is necessary
  2. If necessary, select the most appropriate gene enrichment method
  3. Describe functions of most interesting genes with DML and DMR
  4. Update draft manuscript

Repository Structure


R code and output from multiple analyses. Each analysis will be in its own subdirectory.


Raw data used for project analyses, as well as links to data files.


Images generated outside of standard analyses.


Jupyter notebooks that detail reproducible methods for data analysis.

  • 2018-11-01-DML-and-DMR-Analysis.ipynb: Pipeline for bedtools analysis of DML and DMR locations in various genome feature tracks. Includes option to specify variable path names for easy reproducibility.


Scripts used for Mox.


Data, notebooks, and analyses from class tutorials.