
Dotfiles for console configuration on MacOS and Linux

Primary LanguageShell

Console Dotfiles

This is an attempt to document my dotfiles and each directory/file purpose. The configuration should be similar between bash and zsh shells. I use zsh by default.


There is a kickstart script that automates install on both. You need at least sudo, bash, ca-certificates and curl installed. For your distro, run as root:

  • Debian/Ubuntu: apt update && apt install -y --no-install-recommends sudo bash curl ca-certificates
  • Alpine: apk add sudo bash curl ca-certificates
  • Fedora/CentOS: dnf install -y sudo bash curl ca-certificates
  • Void Linux: xbps-install -Su -y sudo bash curl ca-certificates

Then, run:

curl -Ls https://github.com/carlosedp/dotfiles/raw/master/kickstart.sh | bash

The dotfiles serves both Linux and Mac hosts. I have different methods of setting each up manually.


On Mac, the process to setup is:

# Checkout the files
git clone https://github.com/carlosedp/dotfiles $HOME/.dotfiles
pushd $HOME/.dotfiles

# Run setup_mac.sh

Now close the current terminal and reopen.


On Linux, the process to setup is:

# Checkout the files
git clone https://github.com/carlosedp/dotfiles $HOME/.dotfiles
pushd $HOME/.dotfiles

# Run setup_linux.sh

Now close the current terminal and reopen.

Setup scripts calling order

setup_mac.sh -> setup_links.sh -> setup_development.sh -> setup_zsh.sh -> setup_apps.sh -> setup_tmux.sh -> mac/osx_prefs.sh

setup_linux.sh -> setup_zsh.sh -> setup_development.sh -> setup_apps.sh -> setup_tmux.sh

setup_tmux.sh -> setup_links.sh

setup_zsh.sh -> setup_links.sh

File/Dir Structure

The dotfiles is structured as:


  • ./bin - These are some utility scripts or platform specific binaries. These are added to the $PATH
  • ./completion - Holds custom command completion scripts for bash and zsh
  • ./fonts - Console monospaced fonts. Some have been patched with nerdfonts to have special characters. Needs to be installed manually depending on the platform.
  • ./mac - This dir holds Mac application config files that are linked to Library/Preferences in the user home dir. They are automatically linked by the setup_links.sh if the host is a Mac.
  • ./rc - This dir holds application config files and directories that are linked as .filerc in the user home dir. They are automatically linked by the setup_links.sh script and their link will have the . prepended.
  • ./rc/iterm2 - iTerm2 utilities installed by the "Install Shell Integration" menu option
  • ./shellconfig - This directory has the shell config variables for both bash and zsh
  • ./themes - Theme files for Tmux, iTerm2 and others

File roles

Files in ./:

  • .ignore - Ignores some files that contain personal data and should not be in GitHub
  • Brewfile - Homebrew packages installed on Mac. Install by using brew bundle install. Called by setup_mac.sh.
  • Brewfile-casks-store - Homebrew cask packages installed on Mac. Install by using brew bundle install --file Brewfile-casks-store. Called by setup_mac.sh.
  • setup_apps.sh - Installs additional utility applications like Hub, fzf kubectl, etc.
  • kickstart.sh - Initial script that can be called thru Curl to start the setup on any kind of host (Linux or Mac).
  • osx_prefs.sh - Configures MacOS default settings. Called by setup_mac.sh.
  • setup_links.sh - Configures symbolic links to directories and rc files. Called by setup_mac.sh, setup_tmux.sh and setup_zsh.sh.
  • setup_mac.sh - Setup Mac with command line tools, Homebrew package manager. Installs homebrew applications, fonts, go applications, links, zsh, tmux thru aux scripts. All Mac related setup goes here.
  • setup_linux.sh - Setup Linux with basic packages. Installs go applications, links, zsh, tmux thru aux scripts. All Linux related setup goes here.
  • setup_apps.sh - Setup application specific configs and themes.
  • setup_tmux.sh - Installs and configure Tmux on any platform (Mac / Linux)
  • setup_zsh.sh - Installs and configures Zsh, its plugins and theme. Sets it as default for current user. Also updates all packages and dependencies whenever run.
  • update_completions.sh - Updates Zsh and Bash completion scripts stored on ~/.dotfiles/completion.

Files in the ./shellconfig directory:

  • ./shellconfig/shellrc.sh - This is called by .zshrc and .bashrc. Loads shell configuration that is common for zsh and bash. Sources the aliases, exports, functions, iTerm2 integration and any utility completion or plugin. Calls Neofetch at the end.
  • ./shellconfig/aliases.sh - Aliases common to Mac and Linux
  • ./shellconfig/aliases_mac.sh - Aliases specific to MacOS and depending on Mac applications
  • ./shellconfig/exports.sh - Exports for both Mac and Linux. Generic shell config, utilities and PATH.
  • ./shellconfig/funcs.sh - Define some functions where behaviour is too complex for an alias
  • ./shellconfig/iterm_shell_integration.* - These are the scripts loaded for iTerm2 integration
  • ./shellconfig/kubernetes.sh - Kubernetes functions and aliases. Loaded only when kubectl is present.