The fastapi-mail simple lightweight mail system, sending emails and attachments(individual && bulk)
$ pip install fastapi-mail
Documentation: FastApi-MAIL
The key features are:
- sending emails with either with FastApi or using asyncio module
- sending emails using FastApi background task managment
- sending files either from form-data or files from server
- Using Jinja2 HTML Templates
- email utils (utility allows you to check temporary email addresses, you can block any email or domain)
- email utils has two available classes
- Unittests using FastapiMail
More information on Getting-Started
from fastapi import FastAPI, BackgroundTasks, UploadFile, File, Form
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse
from starlette.requests import Request
from fastapi_mail import FastMail, MessageSchema,ConnectionConfig
from pydantic import BaseModel, EmailStr
from typing import List
class EmailSchema(BaseModel):
email: List[EmailStr]
conf = ConnectionConfig(
MAIL_USERNAME = "YourUsername",
MAIL_PASSWORD = "strong_password",
MAIL_PORT = 587,
MAIL_SERVER = "your mail server",
MAIL_TLS = True,
MAIL_SSL = False,
app = FastAPI()
html = """
<p>Thanks for using Fastapi-mail</p>
async def simple_send(email: EmailSchema) -> JSONResponse:
message = MessageSchema(
subject="Fastapi-Mail module",
recipients=email.dict().get("email"), # List of recipients, as many as you can pass
fm = FastMail(conf)
await fm.send_message(message)
return JSONResponse(status_code=200, content={"message": "email has been sent"})
For more examples of using fastapi-mail please check example section
Feel free to open issues and send pull requests.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (🚧):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!
Before you start please read CONTRIBUTING