
Password manager and generator based on the PuTTY Key Generator

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Lightning Pass

Lightning Pass is using Python, PyQt and MySQL


Install instructions

  1. Install Python https://www.python.org/
  2. Install Poetry https://python-poetry.org/docs/
  3. Install MySQL https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-installation-excerpt/5.7/en/
  4. Clone this repository
git clone git@github.com:kucera-lukas/lightning-pass.git
  1. Install dependencies
poetry install

Create the .env file

Create a .env file and copy the contents of .env.example file into the .env file

cp .env.example .env

Initialize database

mysql -u user -e "CREATE DATABASE lightning_pass";


GUI window

python ligtning_pass



Qt Creator

qtcreator lightning_pass/gui/static/qt_designer/*.ui
# generate python code from `main.ui`
pyuic5 lightning_pass/gui/static/qt_designer/main.ui -o lightning_pass/gui/static/qt_designer/output/main.py

Qt Style Sheets

Both light and dark mode stylesheets are located in the static folder


  • Random password generation based on mouse movement
  • Account manager
  • Password manager
  • Secure password storage in database

What I've learned

  • Python - Advanced decorator, descriptor and context manager usage. Gained more familiarity with standard library modules like functools or contextlib
  • PyQT - QSS files and stylesheets, QtDesigner, QtSlots - mouse tracking, QStackedWidget, QInputDialog and many more...
  • Cryptography - hashing and symmetric encryption by deriving a key from "master password"
  • SQL/MySQL - table relationships, unique keys, proper way to handle SQL injection
  • VCS and GitLab - pre-commit hooks, continuous integration, git rollbacks,...


OS Support

Tested on Linux and Windows 10


pre-commit install


Developed under the MIT license