

Install the php 7.1.3+ from http://php.net/downloads.php

Install GIT from https://git-scm.com/

git clone https://github.com/kucheriavij/vk-music-downloader.git

Install PHP dependencies:

php composer.phar install

Configure in .env file you VK data:


Configure database settings in .env file (mysqli by default).

Create database:

php bin\console doctrine:database:create

Apply Audio entity:

php bin\console doctrine:schema:update --force

Download audio. Default values for --limit and --offset set in 0, --uid - you vk id. If you set --offset, download will take a very long time, because VK it bans requests.

php bin\console vk:download [int --limit=0] [int --offset=0] [int --uid=111111111]

vk:download command options:

--limit limit downloaded audios
--offset offset from track download
--uid vk user id from download audios (if audios open in privacy)

If you want to see the list of downloaded audio...

Install nodejs from https://nodejs.org/en/

Install node modules:

npm install

Build assets:

npm run dev

Run php server:

php bin\console server:run

Open in you browser: