
Simple Todo cli app that leverages functional programming and typelevel stack.

Primary LanguageScala


Simple Todo cli app that leverages functional programming and typelevel stack.

This is my first Scala AND Cats Effect appilication, I have also tried to introduce a tagless final pattern but ofc this is an overkill for such app like this.

Application holds its state in a single place via Ref, errors are handled via Either + MonadThrow.

Typical program session

 Todo App (Yet another)
 press 'h' for help or 'q' to quit

>>> add buy milk
>>> add learn about monad transformers
>>> add implement next uber, but for dogs
>>> ls
| No. | Tasks                             | State |
| 1.  | buy milk                          | TODO  |
| 2.  | learn about monad transformers    | TODO  |
| 3.  | implement next uber, but for dogs | TODO  |
>>> t 1
>>> ls
| No. | Tasks                             | State |
| 1.  | buy milk                          | DONE  |
| 2.  | learn about monad transformers    | TODO  |
| 3.  | implement next uber, but for dogs | TODO  |
>>> t 3
>>> t 3
>>> ls
| No. | Tasks                             | State     |
| 1.  | buy milk                          | DONE      |
| 2.  | learn about monad transformers    | TODO      |
| 3.  | implement next uber, but for dogs | CANCELLED |
>>> h

Available Commands:
rm <num> - Removes a task number <num> from the list.
t <num> - Cycle through task state [DONE, TODO, CANCELLED] for task with <num>.
ls OR list - List your tasks.
q OR quit - Exits the application.
h OR help - Display help (the same you are reading right now).

>>> q

The application is heavily inspired by this Todo App, which gave me some kind of courage and ignition to start my own (small) things in typelevel and scala stack. Thanks for that.