
An atom is the smallest particle of an element that can exist on its own. In other words, if you have a bar of solid gold, the smallest particle that could exist by itself and still be considered gold would be one atom of gold.

Primary LanguageCSS


An atom is the smallest particle of an element that can exist on its own. In other words, if you have a bar of solid gold, the smallest particle that could exist by itself and still be considered gold would be one atom of gold.


I will try to demonstrate how the atom works and what is inside it. Git

Technologies Used

  • HTML5: Used for structuring the web pages and content.
  • CSS3: Used for styling and layout of the website.
  • JavaScript: Used for interactive features and dynamic content.
  • Bootstrap: Utilized the Bootstrap framework for responsive design and pre-built components.
  • GitHub Pages: Hosted the website on GitHub Pages for easy deployment and accessibility.

Languages and Tools:

HTML5 CSS3 JavaScript Bootstrap Git