
Welcome to the CLI Contact Manager repository! This Node.js command-line interface (CLI) program is designed for efficiently managing contact information. With features such as viewing all contacts, retrieving contacts by ID, deleting contacts, and adding new contacts, this tool is a handy utility for contact management.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CLI Contact Manager

GitHub last commit Node.js Version

This is a simple command-line interface (CLI) program built with Alt text for managing contacts. It allows you to perform basic operations on a Alt text file containing contact information such as ID, name, phone number, and email.

Table of Contents


  • View All Contacts: Retrieve a list of all contacts stored in the Alt text file.
  • Get Contact by ID: Find a specific contact using their unique identifier.
  • Delete Contact by ID: Remove a contact from the list based on their ID.
  • Add New Contact: Append a new contact to the Alt text file with a generated ID.

Technologies Used

  • Alt text The runtime environment for executing the CLI program.
  • Commander: A framework for building command-line applications, providing a clean and structured way to define commands and options.
  • uuid: Used for generating unique IDs for each contact.
  • fs/promises: File system module for handling file operations asynchronously.

How to Use

  1. Install Dependencies:
    npm install
  2. Run the CLI:
    node src/index.js --<command> [options]

Available Commands

  • list: Display all contacts.
    node src/index.js --action list
  • get: Get contact by ID.
    node src/index.js --action get --id <contactId>
  • remove: Delete contact by ID.
    node src/index.js --action remove --id <contactId>
  • add: Add a new contact.
    node src/index.js --action add --name <name> --email <email> --phone <phone_number>


  • List all contacts:
    node src/index.js --action list
  • Get contact by ID:
    node src/index.js --action get --id 05olLMgyVQdWRwgKfg5J6
  • Remove contact by ID:
    node src/index.js --action remove --id qdggE76Jtbfd9eWJHrssH
  • Add a new contact:
    node src/index.js --action add --name "John Doe" --email "john.doe@example.com" --phone "+1234567890"

Project Preview


goit-NodeJS-hw-01 Caption for Screenshot 1 (listContacts)

goit-NodeJS-hw-01 Caption for Screenshot 2 (getContactById)

goit-NodeJS-hw-01 Caption for Screenshot 3 (addContact)

goit-NodeJS-hw-01 Caption for Screenshot 4 (removeContact)


If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue.


I welcome feedback and suggestions from users to improve the application's functionality and user experience.

Languages and Tools:

JavaScript nodejs git