
GoogleMap component for Blazor

Primary LanguageC#


Blazor(Server) component for Google Map which allows to mapping features just with C# language and ASP.NET Core 3.0

Blazor Web Assembly is still in preview for ASP.NET Core 3.0 and its' API(s) are still changing a lot. So Blazor.GoogleMap.Client project is removed for now.


This is just a preview version of the component but ready to use in PROD at your own risk. In future new features will be added. Feel free to send PR(s).




Just add AddGoogleMaps service extension to default service collection of the application. Also don't forget to check other options.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddGoogleMaps(options =>
	options.ApiKey = "Your Google Maps Api Key";

Also don't forget to add following GoogleMapInterop.js and GoogleMapMarkerInterop.js files into _Host.cshtml file as below

    <script src="_framework/blazor.server.js"></script>

    <script src="~/GoogleMapInterop.js"></script>
    <script src="~/GoogleMapMarkerInterop.js"></script>


  • Add marker to the map
  • Add OnClick, OnDoubleClick event listeners on the map and marker
  • InfoWindow
  • Google Map initialization options added to InitialMapOptions
    FullscreenControl = true,
    MapTypeControl = false,
    MapTypeId = MapTypes.Roadmap,
    RotateControl = false,
    ScaleControl = false,
    Scrollwheel = true,
    StreetViewControl = false,
    ZoomControl = false


For adding markers to the map you need IMarkerCollection service which is provided by method Create on MarkerCollectionFactory object.


For definition of InfoWindow you can use GoogleMapInfoWindow component. For handling open library provide InfoWindow service with Open method. Method can accept id of GoogleMapInfoWindow component or whole html which you want to render. If you add marker into map whit filled property AssociatedInfoWindowId, after you click on marker the InfoWindow is opened.


@page "/map"
@inject MarkerCollectionFactory MarkerCollectionFactory;
@inject InfoWindow  InfoWindow;
@inject IJSRuntime JsRuntime;

<h1>Google Map</h1>

<GoogleMap OnClick="(args)=>MapOnClick(args)" 

<GoogleMapInfoWindow Id="infoWindow">
        <h4>Infowindow 1</h4>
        @if (selectedMarker != null)

        <button @onclick="()=>RemoveMarker()">Remove marker</button>

<GoogleMapInfoWindow Id="infoWindowSecond">
        <h4>Infowindow 2</h4>
        @if (selectedMarker != null)

         <button @onclick="()=>RemoveMarker()">Remove marker</button>

@functions {
    int currentCount = 0;
    IMarkerCollection markers;
    Marker selectedMarker;
    InitialMapOptions initialMapOptions;
    protected async override Task OnInitializedAsync()
        await base.OnInitializedAsync();
        markers = MarkerCollectionFactory.Create();
	initialMapOptions = new InitialMapOptions
            Center = new Blazor.GoogleMap.Map.Coordinates.LatLng
                Lat = 41.058002,
                Lng = 29.0416793
            Zoom = 5,
            Height = "400px",
            Width = "100%",
            FullscreenControl = true,
            MapTypeControl = false,
            MapTypeId = MapTypes.Roadmap,
            RotateControl = false,
            ScaleControl = false,
            Scrollwheel = true,
            StreetViewControl = false,
            ZoomControl = false


    void MapOnClick(MouseEventArgs mouseEvent)
        Console.WriteLine($"Clicked! {mouseEvent.LatLng.Lat}, {mouseEvent.LatLng.Lng}");
        markers.Add(new MarkerOptions(mouseEvent.LatLng)
            Title = $"Test {DateTime.Now}",
            AssociatedInfoWindowId = markers.Count % 2 == 0 ? "infoWindow" : "infoWindowSecond",
            OnMarkerClick = EventCallback.Factory.Create<Marker>(this, MarkerClick)

    void MapOnDoubleClick(MouseEventArgs mouseEvent)
        Console.WriteLine($"DoubleClicked! {mouseEvent.LatLng.Lat}, {mouseEvent.LatLng.Lng}");

    void MarkerClick(Marker marker)
        selectedMarker = marker;

    async Task RemoveMarker()
        if (selectedMarker != null)
            var removedResult = await markers.Remove(selectedMarker);
            Console.WriteLine($"Marker removed: {removedResult}");