
Char-RNN implemented using TensorFlow.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A TensorFlow implementation of Andrej Karpathy's Char-RNN, a character level language model using multilayer Recurrent Neural Network (RNN, LSTM or GRU). See his article The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Network to learn more about this model.



  • Python 2.7
  • TensorFlow >= 1.2

Follow the instructions on TensorFlow official website to install TensorFlow.


If the installation finishes with no error, quickly test your installation by running:

python train.py --data_file=data/tiny_shakespeare.txt --num_epochs=10 --test

This will train char-rnn on the first 1000 characters of the tiny shakespeare copus. The final train/valid/test perplexity should all be lower than 30.


  • train.py is the script for training.
  • sample.py is the script for sampling.
  • char_rnn_model.py implements the Char-RNN model.


To train on tiny shakespeare corpus (included in data/) with default settings (this might take a while):

python train.py --data_file=data/tiny_shakespeare.txt

All the output of this experiment will be saved in a folder (default to output/, you can specify the folder name using --output_dir=your-output-folder).

The experiment log will be printed to stdout by default. To direct the log to a file instead, use --log_to_file (then it will be saved in your-output-folder/experiment_log.txt).

The output folder layout:

    ├── result.json             # results (best validation and test perplexity) and experiment parameters.
    ├── vocab.json              # vocabulary extracted from the data.
    ├── experiment_log.txt      # Your experiment log if you used --log_to_file in training.
    ├── tensorboard_log         # Folder containing Logs for Tensorboard visualization.
    ├── best_model              # Folder containing saved best model (based on validation set perplexity)
    ├── saved_model             # Folder containing saved latest models (for continuing training).

Note: train.py assume the data file is using utf-8 encoding by default, use --encoding=your-encoding to specify the encoding if your data file cannot be decoded using utf-8.


To sample from the best model of an experiment (with a given start_text and length):

python sample.py --init_dir=your-output-folder --start_text="The meaning of life is" --length=100


To use Tensorboard (a visualization tool in TensorFlow) to visualize the learning (the "events" tab) and the computation graph (the "graph" tab).

First run:

tensorboard --logdir=your-output-folder/tensorboard_log

Then navigate your browser to http://localhost:6006 to view. You can also specify the port using --port=your-port-number.

Continuing an experiment

To continue a finished or interrupted experiment, run:

python train.py --data_file=your-data-file --init_dir=your-output-folder

Hyperparameter tuning

train.py provides a list of hyperparameters you can tune.

To see the list of all hyperparameters, run:

python train.py --help