
To run the tests, run:

go run test

Tests are written using the KUDO test harness and can be found in test/integration/.


All Kubernetes manifests live under cluster/ and prow-jobs/ and are deployed using flux automatically on merge.

See prow-jobs/prow.yaml to configure your Prow job.

Cluster management

The Prow cluster lives on a GKE cluster in the maestro-229419 project.

Setup the google cloud CLI

Install the gcloud CLI:

gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login


To login to the cluster, run:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials prow-prod --region us-east4

And then you can run the e2e tests:

go run test --config kudo-test-e2e.yaml

To login to the kudo-ci account, TODO: add login to onelogin.


To deploy run:

cd tf/
terraform apply

Secret management

To encrypt a new secret, run this command:

echo -n $SECRET |gcloud kms encrypt --project maestro-229419 --location us-central1 --keyring prow --key key --plaintext-file - --ciphertext-file - |base64 -w0 && echo

And then create a new google_kms_secret resource in Terraform:

data "google_kms_secret" "mysecret" {
  crypto_key = "${module.kms.key}"
  ciphertext = "ENCRYPTEDBLOB"

And then that can be referenced as ${data.google_kms_secret.mysecret.plaintext}.