
Kudulab's GoCD Agent Docker image

Primary LanguageShell

Kudulab's GoCD Agent Docker image

This is a GoCD agent docker image based on offical GoCD ubuntu-18.04 docker image.

It is an opinionated variant with several enhancements:

  • Uses s6 for init system in the container
  • Image runs a docker daemon (so you end up with docker in docker)
  • Uses Dojo and associated practices to provide sufficient tools of any projects. TL;DR: you don't need to install anything on the agent image.
  • In addition to configuration via environment variables, it's possible to obtain secrets from AWS SSM store or HashiCorp Vault.
  • It can handle temporary unavailability of the gocd server by restarting agent daemon in case it crashes.

Project status

This is a WIP in attempt to make a generic agent that is flexible enough to fit everyone. I'm trying to gather best pieces from various GoCD deployments that I did before. Feel free to try out and comment.

Secret store

If you don't want the image to setup secrets on start, just set GOCD_SKIP_SECRETS=true.

Otherwise the image expects that you have provided all required secrets via environment variables or specified SECRET_STORE.

Required environment variables (when SECRET_STORE is not set):


SECRET_STORE is not set by default, it can be either aws or vault, see lower for details.


When using AWS secret store, the image expects that SSM paramemeter store contains:

  • ${AWS_SECRET_STORE_PATH}/autoregistration_key
  • ${AWS_SECRET_STORE_PATH}/go_id_rsa - with SSH private key that should be given to the agent (for git access over ssh)

You can configure SSM_SECRET_STORE_PATH, by default it's gocd.

You must specify following environment variables:



When using vault secret store, the image expects that vault KV store contains:

  • ${VAULT_SECRET_STORE_PATH}/autoregistration_key
  • ${VAULT_SECRET_STORE_PATH}/go_id_rsa - with SSH private key that should be given to the agent (for git access over ssh)

You can configure VAULT_SECRET_STORE_PATH, by default it's gocd.

You must specify following environment variables:



Start the container with this:

docker run -d -e GO_SERVER_URL=... kudulab/gocd-agent

This will start the GoCD agent and connect it the GoCD server specified by GO_SERVER_URL.

Note: The GO_SERVER_URL must be an HTTPS url and end with /go, for e.g. http://ip.add.re.ss:8153/go

Demo with docker GoCD server

To start a gocd-server container named gocd_server:

docker run -ti -p8153:8153 -p8154:8154 --name gocd_server gocd/gocd-server:v20.2.0

You can connect a gocd-agent container to it by doing:

docker run -ti --rm --link gocd_server:gocd-server  -e GO_SERVER_URL=http://gocd-server:8153/go -e AGENT_AUTO_REGISTER_KEY=abc -e GOCD_SSH_KEY=a --privileged --name agent kudulab/gocd-agent

Beware of SSL changes in 20.2

Available configuration options

Auto-registering the agents

docker run -d \
        -e AGENT_AUTO_REGISTER_KEY=... \

If the AGENT_AUTO_REGISTER_* variables are provided (we recommend that you do), then the agent will be automatically approved by the server. See the auto registration docs on the GoCD website.

Fast polling

docker run -d -e AGENT_FAST_POLLING=1 kudulab/gocd-agent

If the AGENT_FAST_POLLING variable is set to anything at all, the agent will poll the server for work much more frequently than the default settings. For use with a small agent fleet.

Configuring SSL

To configure SSL parameters, pass the parameters using the environment variable AGENT_BOOTSTRAPPER_ARGS. See this documentation for supported options.

    docker run -d \
    -e AGENT_BOOTSTRAPPER_ARGS='-sslVerificationMode NONE ...' \

Mounting volumes

The GoCD agent will store all configuration, logs and perform builds in /godata. If you'd like to provide secure credentials like SSH private keys among other things, you can mount /home/go.

docker run -v /path/to/godata:/godata -v /path/to/home-dir:/home/go kudulab/gocd-agent

Cleaning old images

The agent's space might fill up quick. There's a cron job that removes non-dojo images older than DELETE_IMAGES_OLDER_THAN_DAYS, by default 180 days.

Tweaking JVM options (memory, heap etc)

JVM options can be tweaked using the environment variable GOCD_AGENT_JVM_OPTS.

docker run -e GOCD_AGENT_JVM_OPTS="-Dfoo=bar" kudulab/gocd-agent

Under the hood

The GoCD server runs as the go user, the location of the various directories is:

Directory Description
/godata/config the directory where the GoCD configuration is store
/godata/pipelines the directory where the agent will run builds
/godata/logs the directory where GoCD logs will be written out to
/home/go the home directory for the GoCD server


The GoCD agent does not connect to the server

  • Check if the docker container is running docker ps -a
  • Check the STDOUT to see if there is any output that indicates failures docker logs CONTAINER_ID
  • Check the agent logs docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash, then run less /godata/logs/*.log inside the container.