
A Web Search API and Front End - for Web Science with Dr Hendler

Primary LanguagePython


A Web Search API and Front End - for Web Science with Dr Hendler

Team 1: Cats!

Members: Gaven Greenewalt Colin Kuebler Rory Thrasher Rebecca Nordhauser

To run do one of these three things (but the third one is the one that uses our pretty interface):

  1. Run the code directly on a local machine using: python MySearch.py "query" length. This will output JSON to the terminal.
  2. Can import MySearch.py and then run the search function. This will return the JSON as a string
  3. Run myHandler.py and host the static front end (index.html, style.css, query.js). Have the static files point to the IP import of the python http server. Then use interface to query and the results will be displayed in the interface.

Our algorithm takes approximately 15-30 seconds to run, so please wait a little while for it to run. Thank you!