
Kuetemeier Essentials: WordPress PlugIn with essential extensions for speed, data privacy and optimization.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


As I completly switched to Hugo, so this project is no longer actively maintained by me.

I archived this repo and set it to read-only, the source code however is still available here.

But I can't recommend using it without manual updates. Due to time constraints I cannot offer support for this.

WordPress Plugin Kuetemeier Essentials#

Description: WordPress PlugIn with usefull extensions for speed, data privacy and optimization.

Version Information

This source code

Version: 1.2.5

Latest stable

Latest stable version: 1.2.5

WordPress Version

Requires at least: 4.9 Tested up to: 4.9.6

PHP Version

Minimum PHP Version: 5.6 (tests are only written for 7.0 and later)


Version informations (and some others) are centralized in package.json. Gulp will replace it in many other files (e.g. in this file, readme.txt and kuetemeier-essentials.php). See gulp.task('replace') in gulpfile.js for more informations. You have been warned ;-).

Requirements for development:


Clone this repo:

$ git clone git@github.com:kuetemeiernet/kuetemeier-essentials.git

Install the dependencies of the gulp:

$ npm install-dev

Install the dependencies with composer:

WARNING: Do NOT install the dev dependencies locally on this repo, as they would get included into the plugin-distribution.zip and make it much much bigger - and worst: slower. Composer would try to autoload all dev dependencies in production. Instead install them globally. You would also save some disk space if you develeop more than one PHP application or plugin.

$ composer update --no-dev

$ composer global require squizlabs/php_codesniffer
$ composer global require wp-coding-standards/wpcs
$ composer global require phpdocumentor/phpdocumentor
$ composer global require phpunit/phpunit
$ composer global require wimg/php-compatibility

If you do not have it already, add ~/.composer/vendor/bin/ to your PATH, e.g. add

export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin/:$PATH

to your .profile file on Mac or Linux.

Register Rules to phpcs:

$ phpcs --config-set installed_paths ~/.composer/vendor/wimg/php-compatibility
$ phpcs -i

To verify that the new rules have been added, we can ask PHP CodeSniffer to report to us the sets of rules that it currently has available. In the Terminal, enter the following command:

$ vendor/bin/phpcs -i

You should see:

The installed coding standards are PEAR, Zend, PSR2, MySource, Squiz, PSR1 and PHPCompatibility


Lint, compile and compress the files:

$ gulp

Watch the project:

$ gulp watch

Deploy with svn:

$ gulp deploy


License: GNU General Public License 3 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html