
simple script to load configs to u-blox-recievers via serial port and see the response

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status

Programm for sending config-messages to a ublox-receiver via serial port and display the answer.


Usage: ubx-serial [OPTIONS]

  Writes binary config file [CONFIG] to ublox device at [PORT].

  -p, --port PATH    Serial port of device  [required]
  -c, --config PATH  Binary config to send to device  [required]
  -w, --warn-only    Warn only on read errors
  -v, --verbose
  --help             Show this message and exit.
  • message file will be read line by line (every line should be a UBX-Message)
  • message files could be u-center-configuration files or files like the example files (see config dir)
  • the message will be sent to the UBX receiver and the program waits for an answer
  • if an UBX-Message is recieved from the UBX receiver as answer the Message will be printed in Bytes
  • if there is no answer in timeout the programm will print an information and go to the next line
  • prepends 0xb5 0x62 header and appends checksum to every Message (Line)
  • outputs first answer from ublox-reciver in bytes


  • Wilfried Klaebe <wk-openmoko|at|chaos.in-kiel.de>
  • Justus Paulick <justus.paulick|at|tu-dresden.de>
  • Kai Geissdoerfer <kai.geissdoerfer|at|tu-dresden.de>