
Abstracts and parallelizes functional control flow based on data dependencies, à la make.

Primary LanguagePython


TODO: write.

Data Structures

Flow-conduit simulates global state through the SymbolTable class.


For each function, the user supplies a set of input and output symbols (variable names). ControlGraph then constructs data dependency and data supplier maps. The data dependency map maps a function (task) to the set of names of variables (symbols) on which the task depends. The data supplier map maps each symbol to the function which returns that symbol. From these maps, ControlGraph assembles a dependency graph whose vertices are functions and whose edges (u,v) denote that function u directly depends on some symbol(s) provided by function v.

All functions are modified to take and return SymbolTables as explained above.

I use function and vertex interchangeably when referring to the dependency graph.

For parallelism, flow-conduit maintains a fixed number of threads in ThreadPool, configurable for each run. Because we do not know ahead of time how long tasks take to finish, after each task completes, flow-condit dynamically schedules any new tasks that can now be run, in the following manner:

  1. Construct the dependency graph from data dependency and data supplier maps. (ControlGraph.finalize())
  2. Transpose the dependency graph to a precedence graph and topologically sort the precedence graph. If we detect a cycle, raise a CycleError exception.
  3. Construct the set sources to contain all vertices (functions) in the dependency graph which depend on no other functions.
  4. Construct a worker pool with a fixed number of threads and a synchronous queue. The workers consume work units from the queue, and the queue accepts insertion of items.
  5. Initialize a counter of unsubmitted tasks equal to the total number of tasks.
  6. For each s in sources, enqueue a work unit consisting of applying the function s to a new, empty SymbolTable, and decrement the unsubmitted task counter.
  7. (Child Thread.) As each function g finishes,
    1. Synchronously record the result (a new SymbolTable) of this work unit.
    2. For each function f which depends on the current function, synchronously check whether all of f's dependencies are now satisfied. If so,
      1. Enqueue a work unit consisting of applying the function f to a SymbolTable whose parents are the results of all of the dependencies of f. The parent relationship of the SymbolTable parallels the dependency relationship of ControlGraph. If f depends on g and h, then f will return a SymbolTable t which directly contains f's output symbols, as well as parent pointers to the return values of g and h.
      2. Synchronously decrement the unsubmitted tasks counter.
      3. If there are zero unsubmitted tasks, notify the parent thread that all submissions are done.
  8. (Parent Thread.) Wait for the notification that all tasks are submitted. Then wait for the worker pool to finish.
  9. Look up the requested symbols in our results and return them.

Next Steps

Currently we use the threading module, which is not ideal due to Python's Global Interpreter Lock. However,

I plan to implement efficient memoization and serialization of SymbolTableFunc and SymbolTable. SymbolTable already implements structural sharing, so the idea is to exploit this property to cache and serialize intermediate results and identify when a function can be served from the cache.

SymbolTable should also be editable while maintaining structural sharing. I may then implement a simple database for storing intermediate results.