
Elastic Deep Learning Training based on Kubernetes by Leveraging EDL and Volcano

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Paddle Operator


Paddle Operator makes it easy to run paddle distributed training job on kubernetes by providing PaddleJob custom resource etc.

Quick Start


  • Kubernetes >= 1.8
  • kubectl


With kubernetes ready, you can install paddle operator with configuration in deploy folder (use deploy/v1 for kubernetes v1.16+ or deploy/v1beta1 for kubernetes 1.15-).

Create PaddleJob crd,

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PaddleFlow/paddle-operator/main/deploy/v1/crd.yaml

A succeed creation leads to result as follows,

kubectl get crd
NAME                                    CREATED AT
paddlejobs.batch.paddlepaddle.org       2021-02-08T07:43:24Z

Then deploy controller,

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PaddleFlow/paddle-operator/main/deploy/v1/operator.yaml

the ready state of controller would be as follow,

kubectl -n paddle-system get pods
NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
paddle-controller-manager-698dd7b855-n65jr   1/1     Running   0          1m

By default, paddle controller runs in namespace paddle-system and only controls jobs in that namespace. To run controller in a different namespace or controll jobs in other namespaces, you can edit charts/paddle-operator/values.yaml and install the helm chart. You can also edit kustomization files or edit deploy/v1/operator.yaml directly for that purpose.

Run demo paddlejob

Deploy your first paddlejob demo with

kubectl -n paddle-system apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PaddleFlow/paddle-operator/main/deploy/examples/wide_and_deep.yaml

Check pods status

kubectl -n paddle-system get pods

Check paddle job status

kubectl -n paddle-system get pdj

Work with Volcano

Enable volcano before installation, add the following args in deploy/v1/operator.yaml

- args:
  - --leader-elect
  - --namespace=paddle-system  # watch this ns only
  - --scheduling=volcano       # enable volcano
  - /manager

then, job as in deploy/examples/wide_and_deep_volcano.yaml can be handled correctly.

Elastic Trainning

Elastic feature depend on etcd present, which should be set for controller as args,

  --etcd-server=paddle-elastic-etcd.paddle-system.svc.cluster.local:2379      # enable elastic

then, job as in deploy/elastic/resnet.yaml can be handled correctly.

Deploy args

Change the following args in deploy/v1/operator.yaml before deployment,

- args:
  - --leader-elect             # enable leader election
  - --namespace=paddle-system  # watch this ns only, set to "" for all namespace
  - --scheduling=volcano       # enable volcano
  - --initImage=""             # init container image, default to busybox, "" to disable
  - /manager



kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PaddleFlow/paddle-operator/main/deploy/v1/crd.yaml -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PaddleFlow/paddle-operator/main/deploy/v1/operator.yaml

Advanced usage

More configuration can be found in Makefile, clone this repo and enjoy it. If you have any questions or concerns about the usage, please do not hesitate to contact us.

More Information

Please refer to the 中文文档 for more information about paddle configuration.