
A simple cross-target JSON parser for Reason/OCaml

Primary LanguageOCaml

Rex Json

A simple cross-target JSON library for Reason/OCaml

Works with both native and js targets (compiled with bsb-native).

Why would you want this library?

  • you want minimal dependencies
  • you want forgiving json parsing (comments, trailing commas allowed)
  • you're fine with "good enough" performance


Add rex-json to your package.json and your bsconfig.json.


let data = {|
  "some": "json", // with a comment!
  "more": [1,3,],
  /* also
  multi-line comment */
  "this": {
    "object": {
      "is": {
        "really": "nested"
  "nested": [{
    "and": [1,2,{"stuff": 5}]
  }], // trailing commas!
let json = Json.parse(data);
let simple = Json.get("some", json); /* == Some(String("json")) */

open Json.Infix;

let stuff = json
  |> Json.get("nested")
  |?> Json.nth(0)
  |?> Json.get("and")
  |?> Json.nth(2)
  |?> Json.get("stuff")
  |?> Json.number; /* == Some(5.) */

/** Using a json path for nested objects */
let nestedString = json
|> Json.getPath("this.object.is.really")
|?> Json.string; /* Some("nested") */

let str = Json.stringify(json); /* back to a string */
Js.log2(stuff, nestedString)