
Primary LanguageJavaScript


What problem does your app solve?

Corporate event planning is an extremely detail-oriented endeavor. In many situations neglecting a simple detail (such as hiring the appropriate catering company, or ensuring the proper equipment is available for the guest speaker) can be the difference between failure and success. Our application will make it possible to NEVER lose sight or overlook such a detail by simplifying the organizational process … or something like that.

  • Be as specific as possible; how does your app solve the problem?

Provides a central platform to schedule and delegate new and upcoming tasks, meetings and appointments.

  • What is the mission statement?

We aim to incentivize productivity through organizational coordination and collaboration.


  • What features are required for your minimum viable product?

  • One user type - event planner

  • User account creation/onboarding

  • Privileged route after login: homepage

  • Navigation on all pages

  • Create new event page: name desc date and time budget todo list with normal functionality preview of event(s) on homepage

  • Single event page: view event in full screen buttons to edit and delete data view the todo list view list of vendors

  • What features may you wish to put in a future release?

  • Stretch: invite co-workers by email to join project with ability to edit On full page event view add comments section to track conversation and notes

  • What do the top 3 similar apps do for their users?

Design - Planning

  • What design system will you use?

  • What will your user flow be?

  • What is the URL to your wireframes?

Frameworks - Libraries

  • What 3rd party frameworks/libraries are you considering using?

  • FE - React/redux, axios, yup/formik(optional), redux devtools, styled components, react strap, jest/enzyme

  • BE - node, express, knex, sqlite3, jsonwebtoken, bcryptjs, helmet, cors, dotenv Dev dependencies - nodemon, jest, supertest

  • Do APIs require you to contact its maintainer to gain access?

  • Are you required to pay to use the API?

Target Audience

  • Who is your target audience? Be specific.

Corporate managers, planners, personal assistants and job applicants.

  • What feedback have you gotten from potential users?

  • Have you validated the problem and your solution with your target audience? How?


Research thoroughly before writing a single line of code. Solidify the features of your app conceptually before implementation. Spend the weekend researching so you can hit the ground running on Monday. Prototype Key Feature(s)

This is the "bread and butter" of the app, this is what makes your app yours. Calculate how long it takes to implement these features and triple the time estimated. That way you'll have plenty of time to finish. It is preferred to drop features and spend more time working on your MVP features if needed.