Age of Empires II scroll bugfix

A simple tool to patch Age of Empires II binary to fix stuck scroll bug.


Under windows you can simply download the prebuilt binary. In this case you won't need any additional software installed.

If you're planning to use the python variant, then you'll need Python version 2 or 3 installed on your system.

If you're fan of C++, then you'll need a C++ compiler which supports the C++14 standard (for example GCC v5.0 and above).

Downloading the windows binary

  • Download the most recent zipped binary located under the releases folder.
  • Always check the checksums of the downloaded file before doing anything else, especially if it's from an alternate source. You can find the correct checksums in a file with the same name but with the .checksum.txt extension in the releases folder. For example, under windows you can generate the appropriate checksums of with the following commands from the command line:
  • certutil -hashfile SHA1
  • certutil -hashfile SHA256
  • certutil -hashfile SHA512

Compiling the C++ source

If you opt to use the C++ source code you have to compile it first.

  • Under windows (using Visual C from developer command prompt): cl aoe2_scroll_bugfix.cpp /O2 /EHsc
  • Under linux (using GCC): g++ aoe2_scroll_bugfix.cpp -std=c++14 -O2 -o aoe2_scroll_bugfix

Applying the patch

Locate the Age of Empires II binary. It's called AoK HD.exe and it's located in one of the following folders:

  • Under Windows

    • C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Age2HD
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Age2HD
    • D: E: F: ... \SteamLibrary\SteamApps\Common\Age2HD
  • Under Linux

    • ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Age2HD

Apply the patch issuing the following command in the command line:

  • using the windows binary: aoe2_scroll_bugfix.exe <path to you AoK HD.exe>
  • using the linux binary: ./aoe2_scroll_bugfix <path to you AoK HD.exe>
  • using the python script: python <path to you AoK HD.exe>

For example if your binary is located under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Age2HD then the command you have to issue under windows is: aoe2_scroll_bugfix.exe "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Age2HD\AoK HD.exe"

Reverting the patch

If you encounter any issues which you think is caused by this patch, you can revert it any time by overwriting AoK HD.exe with its backup AoK HD.exe.backup located next to AoK HD.exe.




This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Many thanks go out to Sulix who discovered the root cause of the bug and wrote a post about it.