React dev course from Udemy

Primary LanguageJavaScript

UDEMY: React, JavaScript, Nodejs courses


try to continue find this repo in UDEMY.github this READ.me in root folder


react-quiz continue

  • work with finished component.... a lot of bugfixes.... its done
  • now go to next 6.55 - button.component


react-quiz continue

  • rebase from linux to mac// update dependencies


react-quiz continue

  • define results state in root quize component and put it to finished component


react-quiz continue

  • add answers and question hendlers and checks
  • add styling for wright and wrong answers
  • add finished component


react-quiz continue

  • add events (click)


react-quiz continue

  • add functional quiz-list component


go to part 6 - Components.Practice project: create -> react-quiz

Structure of project:

  • Layout - root ho order Component for all site content and styles, when css as module with \Layout.module.css\ and 'classes'
  • containers - folder with stateFull components
  • components - functional components


  • finished with Context API


  • validation with PropTypes (yarn add to react-theory project)
  • references (use it only for specific tasks or fo focus on an element when its render)
  • Context API


  • hi order components (hoc)

  • fragments parts 1-2


  • go to part 5: React Components: props, state, lifecycle methods, stateful component, ets about Components

    • shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState){...} for optimization
    • static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, nextState){...} for mod state past render but before mount in DOM
    • getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() {...} for example for remembering cursor position before render and for rerender later
  • add ErrorBoundary dir for errors handling


  • vol.3 about work with component state => done successfully
  • go to 4-th section: Components style => dynamic classes, radium - inline style in JS
  • create new project: "react-use-sass" for sass and scss exercises

23 - 24.11.2020

  • go to 3-section (React base): nested Components, state, data transfer, functions params transfer


  • start course
  • create learning repo on github -> udemyReactCourse
  • section 1: what is
  • create react app with CDN and with CLI: react-theory