
:stopwatch: Provides an extension for detecting slow tests in phpunit/phpunit.

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Provides an extension for detecting slow tests in phpunit/phpunit.



composer require --dev ergebnis/phpunit-slow-test-detector


Bootstrapping the extension

To bootstrap the extension, adjust your phpunit.xml configuration file:

+    <extensions>
+        <bootstrap class="Ergebnis\PHPUnit\SlowTestDetector\Extension"/>
+    </extensions>
         <testsuite name="unit">

Configuring the extension

You can configure the extension with the following parameters in your phpunit.xml configuration file:

  • maximum-count, an int, the maximum count of slow test that should be listed, defaults to 10
  • maximum-duration, an int, the maximum duration in milliseconds for all tests, defaults to 500

The following example configures the maximum count of slow tests to three, and the maximum duration for all tests to 250 milliseconds:

-        <bootstrap class="Ergebnis\PHPUnit\SlowTestDetector\Extension"/>
+        <bootstrap class="Ergebnis\PHPUnit\SlowTestDetector\Extension">
+            <parameter name="maximum-count" value="3"/>
+            <parameter name="maximum-duration" value="250"/>
+        </boostrap>
         <testsuite name="unit">

Configuring the maximum duration per test case

You can configure the maximum duration for a single test with a @maximumDuration (or @slowThreshold) annotation in the DocBlock.

The following example configures the maximum duration for a single test to 5.000 ms:



use PHPUnit\Framework;

final class ExtraSlowTest extends Framework\TestCase
     * @maximumDuration 5000
    public function testExtraExtraSlow(): void
        // ...

     * @slowThreshold 4000
    public function testAlsoQuiteSlow(): void
        // ...

Running tests

When you have activated the extension, you can run your tests as usually:


When the extension has detected slow tests, it will report them:

PHPUnit 10.0.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 8.1.0
Configuration: test/EndToEnd/Default/phpunit.xml
Random Seed:   1676103726

.............                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   13 / 13 (100%)

Detected 11 tests that took longer than expected.

 1. 1.604 (0.500) Ergebnis\PHPUnit\SlowTestDetector\Test\EndToEnd\Default\SleeperTest::testSleeperSleepsLongerThanDefaultMaximumDurationWithDataProvider#9
 2. 1.505 (0.500) Ergebnis\PHPUnit\SlowTestDetector\Test\EndToEnd\Default\SleeperTest::testSleeperSleepsLongerThanDefaultMaximumDurationWithDataProvider#8
 3. 1.403 (0.500) Ergebnis\PHPUnit\SlowTestDetector\Test\EndToEnd\Default\SleeperTest::testSleeperSleepsLongerThanDefaultMaximumDurationWithDataProvider#7
 4. 1.303 (0.500) Ergebnis\PHPUnit\SlowTestDetector\Test\EndToEnd\Default\SleeperTest::testSleeperSleepsLongerThanDefaultMaximumDurationWithDataProvider#6
 5. 1.205 (0.500) Ergebnis\PHPUnit\SlowTestDetector\Test\EndToEnd\Default\SleeperTest::testSleeperSleepsLongerThanDefaultMaximumDurationWithDataProvider#5
 6. 1.103 (0.500) Ergebnis\PHPUnit\SlowTestDetector\Test\EndToEnd\Default\SleeperTest::testSleeperSleepsLongerThanDefaultMaximumDurationWithDataProvider#4
 7. 1.005 (0.500) Ergebnis\PHPUnit\SlowTestDetector\Test\EndToEnd\Default\SleeperTest::testSleeperSleepsLongerThanDefaultMaximumDurationWithDataProvider#3
 8. 0.905 (0.500) Ergebnis\PHPUnit\SlowTestDetector\Test\EndToEnd\Default\SleeperTest::testSleeperSleepsLongerThanDefaultMaximumDurationWithDataProvider#2
 9. 0.805 (0.500) Ergebnis\PHPUnit\SlowTestDetector\Test\EndToEnd\Default\SleeperTest::testSleeperSleepsLongerThanDefaultMaximumDurationWithDataProvider#1
10. 0.705 (0.500) Ergebnis\PHPUnit\SlowTestDetector\Test\EndToEnd\Default\SleeperTest::testSleeperSleepsLongerThanDefaultMaximumDurationWithDataProvider#0

There is 1 additional slow test that is not listed here.

Time: 00:12.601, Memory: 8.00 MB

OK (13 tests, 13 assertions)


Please have a look at CHANGELOG.md.


Please have a look at CONTRIBUTING.md.

Code of Conduct

Please have a look at CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md.


This package is licensed using the MIT License.

Please have a look at LICENSE.md.


This project is inspired by johnkary/phpunit-speedtrap.

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