

This is a basic ruby gem scaffold to create a client for call to an existing API endpoint.

The api has two endpoints, responds with JSON, and is unauthenticated.

  1. https://blooming-savannah-20593.herokuapp.com/api/users

Returns a list of users.

  1. https://blooming-savannah-20593.herokuapp.com/api/users/{id}

Returns a specific user.

How to use this API


This api_client_fun has following features:

  1. Get profile of user by
ApiClientFun.profile_for_name('User Name')

If user name not in the server, it will return message:i

'error: User not found'
  1. List all users in array with command:
ApiClientFun.user # => => #<HTTParty::Response:0x22588 parsed_response={"users"=>[{"company"=>"Planet Express", "id"=>1, "name"=>"Philip J Fry", "position"=>"Delivery Boy", "profile"=>{"age"=>25, "gender"=>"M", "planet"=>"Earth", "species"=>"Human", "status"=>"Alive"}}, {"company"=>"Planet Express", "id"=>2, ...

  1. Total Number of records
ApiClientFun.user[users].count #=> 14


In ruby application

Run Gem install:

gem install api_client_fun

In Rails Application

Add api_client_fun in Gemfile and point to local api_client_fun exist

Example: this gem store in /Users/YOU/api_client_fun


gem 'api_client_fun', path: '/Users/YOU/api_client_fun'


Using Rspec

  • at root of this gem
rspec --format documentation