
Example app using Gorchestrate to manage pizza ordering

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Example app using Gorchestrate to manage pizza ordering

It shows how you can brainstorm your workflows and create APIs to manage it on the fly. This workflow definition was written in 5-10 minutes and simulates application for pizza ordering.

Using such approach you can create API's for workflow much faster and simpler.

Example (autogenerated)

Deployed at https://pizzaapp-ffs2ro4uxq-uc.a.run.app/ui/

Documentation (autogenerated)



func (wf *PizzaOrderWorkflow) Definition() async.Section {
	return S(
		Step("setup", func() error {
			wf.Status = "setup"
			return nil
		For("order not yet submitted", wf.Status != "submitted",
			Wait("for user input",
				gs.Timeout("cart timed out", 24*3600*time.Second, S(
					Return(), //stop workflow
				gasync.Event("Customer", "AddToCart", func(in Pizza) (PizzaOrderWorkflow, error) {
					wf.Cart = append(wf.Cart, in)
					return *wf, nil
				gasync.Event("Customer", "EmptyCart", func(in Empty) (PizzaOrderWorkflow, error) {
					wf.Cart = []Pizza{}
					return *wf, nil
				gasync.Event("Customer", "SubmitCart", func(in Empty) (PizzaOrderWorkflow, error) {
					wf.Status = "submitted"
					return *wf, nil

		Wait("manager to confirm order",
			gasync.Event("Manager", "ConfirmOrder", func(in ConfirmRecord) (PizzaOrderWorkflow, error) {
				wf.Status = "confirmed"
				wf.ManagerName = in.ManagerName
				wf.Amount = in.Amount
				return *wf, nil

		Go("customer pays while order is cooking", S(
			Wait("customer pays money",
				gasync.Event("Manager", "ConfirmPayment", func(in PaymentRecord) (PizzaOrderWorkflow, error) {
					wf.PaidAmount = in.PaidAmount
					wf.Location = in.DeliveryAddress
					return *wf, nil

		Wait("for kitchen to take order",
			gasync.Event("Cook", "StartCooking", func(in CookingRecord) (PizzaOrderWorkflow, error) {
				wf.Status = "cooking"
				wf.CookName = in.CookName
				return *wf, nil

		Wait("pizzas to be cooked",
			gasync.Event("Cook", "Cooked", func(in Empty) (PizzaOrderWorkflow, error) {
				wf.Status = "cooked"
				return *wf, nil

		Wait("to be taken for delivery",
			gasync.Event("Delivery", "TakeForDelivery", func(in Empty) (PizzaOrderWorkflow, error) {
				wf.Status = "delivering"
				return *wf, nil
		Wait("for delivered",
			gasync.Event("Delivery", "Delivered", func(in Empty) (PizzaOrderWorkflow, error) {
				wf.Status = "delivered"
				return *wf, nil
		WaitFor("payment", wf.PaidAmount > 0, func() {
			wf.Status = "completed"

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