
Express.js reddit/HN clone

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The project is in development :octocat:


You must have installed and running MongoDB database before you run the application.

git clone git@github.com:kulakowka/bugurt.git
cd bugurt
npm install 

Seed data:

Attention! ☝️💂‍♂️

The script will drop database before you start 💣💣💣

Seed script help:

node seed -h

Seed data with default settings:

In order to fill your project with fake data, run this command in console.

node seed

Or with npm:

npm run seed

Seed data with custom settings:

node seed -U 5 -S 10 -H 10 -C 100 -A 30

Or full arguments names:

node seed --users 5 --subscriptions 10 --hubs 10 --comments 100 --articles 30

Admin user

The generator will give you a user with administrative privileges.

Username: admin

Password: pass

Run application:


In order to start application in development mode, run this command in console.

npm start

Now, open in your browser http://localhost:3000


In order to start application in production mode, run this command in console.

PORT=3000 NODE_ENV=production node ./bin/www --harmony

Or start with pm2:

$ pm2 start ecosystem.json --env production

More info about pm2:

Tools for comfortable development

  • Robomongo - Shell-centric cross-platform MongoDB management tool