gem install aws_docker_utils
Configuration (optional, unless EC2 instance has attached roles/policies to access resources w/o credentials)
The preferred way to execute this script on the machine that already has role and policies attached using IAM. This conforms to the best AWS practices and makes your setup more stable against security threat. But to be flexible, it is possible to configure this script to use any AWS credentials:
aws_docker_utils configure init
#####Reset (delete) stored AWS credentials:
aws_docker_utils configure reset
#####Create SQL from Docker container and upload SQL file to AWS S3:
aws_docker_utils backup_file from \<container_name\> to \<s3_bucket_name\> as 'backup_database' using \<cmd\>
aws_docker_utils backup_file from database to 'my-super-bucket-name' as 'backup' using "pg_dump -U postgres -O my_app_production"
The SQL backup file will be extacted from the database container, compressed and pushed to 'my-super-bucket-name' S3 bucket with the name like
If the AWS S3 bucket does not exist, it will be created.
#####License Author: Bogdan Kulbida, under MIT Lic. 2016-2017.