
C implementation of concurrent and normal merge sort

Primary LanguageC

Project Description

Time analysis and comparision of concurrent mergesort with normal mergesort.

Compile and Run

  • Compile code using gcc command
  • After compilation, run './a.out'

Time comparison of Concurrent and Normal mergesort

For n = 10^5

  • Normal mergesort - 0.001 second
  • Concurrent mergesort - 17.83 second

For n = 10^7

  • Normal mergesort - 0.044 second
  • Concurrent mergesort - It will not be able to run on normal computer because it will fork too much for this big input.


  • Expectation - Concurrent mergesort would run faster because of shared memory.
  • Result - Simple mergesort is running faster than concurrent mergesort.
  • Reason about above result -
    • Concurrent mergesort is accessing left array and right array simultaneously.
    • When concurrent mergesort is accessing left array, left array is loaded into cache memory. Simultaneously, concurrent mergesort tries to access right array then cache miss would happen . Because of cache miss happens multiple times, execution of code slows down.
    • Whereas in simple mergesort, 2 or 3 elements of left and right array is accessing at a time. therefore that elements can stay in cache and retrieval time of those elements is much lesser than retrieval time of elements in concurrent mergesort.