
A pytorch lightning implementation of the WBIA Piev2 Plugin: https://github.com/WildMeOrg/wbia-plugin-pie-v2.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Wildlife Embeddings

A pytorch lightning implementation of the WBIA Piev2 Plugin: https://github.com/WildMeOrg/wbia-plugin-pie-v2.

Data Format

A csv file should be created for your dataset with the following columns:

  • annot: unique integer identifier for each datapoint
  • image: image name (not full path)
  • name: individual name (incomparable sides of the same individual should have different names)
  • encounter: annotations with the same encounter will not be compared during validation or testing. If unsure set equal to the annot column.
  • x: left bounding box coordinate
  • y: top bounding box coordinate
  • w: bounding box width
  • h: bounding box height
  • theta: rotation of the bounding box


During training we evaluate the model on the validation data every two epochs and retain the checkpoint with the highest 1-vs-all top1 accuracy.


  • --name: name for logging

  • --version: version number for logging

  • --data-file: path to the data csv file

  • --data-dir: path to the image directory

  • --eval-cutoff: training is done with individuals with > eval-cutoff encounters, the rest are used for validation/testing

  • --image-size: input image size

  • --train-transforms: data augmentation for training, see src/data/transforms.py

  • --eval-transforms: data augmentation for validation/testing

  • --num-copies: see src/data/sampler.py

  • --num-instances: see src/data/sampler.py

  • --batch-size: batch size per gpu

  • --num-workers: number of dataloader workers

  • --embedding-dim: output embedding size

  • --lr: learning rate

  • --wd: weight decay

  • --fixbase-epoch: freeze the weights of the model excluding fully-connected layers for this many epochs during training

  • --margin: triplet loss margin

  • --weight-t: triplet loss weight

  • --weight-x: cross-entropy loss weight

  • --gpus: number of gpus

  • --max_epochs: maximum number of epochs

Also included are all the pytorch-lightning trainer flags: https://pytorch-lightning.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer.html#pytorch_lightning.trainer.trainer.Trainer