
A CTF challenge we put together for Ekoparty's 2023 main CTF

Primary LanguageHTML

Kulkan's CTF challenge for Ekoparty 2023 (https://www.ekoparty.org)

Building the CTF challenge

docker build --tag eko-ctf-kulkan-2023 .

Running the CTF challenge as a single container and plaintext HTTP

docker run -p12000:12000 eko-ctf-kulkan-2023

Solving the CTF challenge

No spoilers.

Scaling the CTF Challenge and adding LetsEncrypt HTTPS


  • Dockerized Flask app & Admin bot python apps
  • ngnix with rate limiting rules listening both on 80 and 443
  • certbot issuing LetsEncrypt certificates for the virtualhost served by nginx
  • Docker swarm managing multiple containers


  • Docker installed with Docker compose plugin
  • Ensure nginx configuration is set to correct domains
  • Ensure you've not skipped calling init-letsencrypt.sh
  • Firewall rules open on hosting/cloud provider for ports 80 and 443


    1. Build the image locally using the steps described above
    1. Run init-letsencrypt.sh to setup files required for the nginx container to start
    1. Run docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml eko-ctf-kulkan-2023
    1. Run docker node ls to list all running nodes
    1. Create replicas of desired containers using docker service scale eko-ctf-kulkan-2023-{node-name}={replica_number}

Example: docker service scale eko-ctf-kulkan-2023-ngnix=2

This creates 2 nginx containers that will automagically load balance between each other


  • [ ] More aggressive tests to verify availability
  • [ ] Ansible script or similar to automate deployment in case main server gets quacked and we need to rehost quickly?
