
Scripts that perform ETL with data from Parse.com projects

Primary LanguagePython


If you have a Parse.com project, the data is stored on their servers and can be fetched to your local machine in one of two ways:

  • Sending HTTP queries using Parse REST API
  • Using "Export Data" tool to obtain a zipped archive of *.json files containing all your data (one *.json file for each Parse "class")

This repository contains Python code that allows copying Parse data into your own relational database. You might want to do so for the following reasons:

  • Data warehousing:
  • Saving daily snapshots of Parse data
  • Maintaining a relational replica of Parse data for backup
  • Running SQL queries for data analysis:
  • You might be more proficient with SQL than with the querying DSL proposed by Parse
  • You might need to use table joins with data that is not stored on Parse
  • You might want to use BI and Data Mining tools that do not "understand" Parse data (SPSS Modeler, Knime, Rapidminer, Excel)
  • Migrating Parse data to another backend solution


Currently only PostgreSQL is supported.

Features ready:

  • Type recognition and conversion into appropriate DB column type:
  • All columns can have NULL values by default! This is because Parse data does not guarantee non-empty cells for any column except objectId, createdAt, updatedAt.
  • Parse Date, createdAt, updatedAt => Timestamp without time zone
  • Parse GeoPoint(lat, long) => Text ('%f %f' % (lat, long))
  • Parse Pointer => Text (containing objectId)
  • Parse Boolean => Boolean
  • Parse Numeric => Numeric
  • Everything else => Text
  • Directory-based snapshots: Getting all <class>.json files from a directory, creating a new schema named Snapshot_YYYY_MM_DD and converting each file into a new table named <class>, rows filled with class instances.
  • Pandas DataFrame: Converting result sets into Pandas DataFrames with appropriate column dtypes.

Future features:

  • Http-based snapshots
  • Http-based incremental inserts/updtes to a single live replica
  • MySQL support


cd <parse-tools-python directory>
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2.7 env
env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
env/bin/python test.py

Example 1: Using parsetools with Pandas DataFrame

See this IPython Notebook.

Example 2: Using parsetools with Postgres

[Todo: add example]