

Primary LanguageArduino


Spice up your Ikea Expedit Shelf with some fancy LED Modules. Use your foot to change animation mode or color mode.

Check out the Blog entry about ExpeditInvaders: http://neophob.com/2012/08/expeditinvaders-the-spiced-up-ikea-shelf/ If you like ExpeditInvaders and want to support me, check out my Shop at: http://pixelinvaders.ch/?page_id=390

Color Sets

A color set consists of three colors, which are faded into.

  • RGB
  • Rasta
  • CGA
  • Brazil
  • Fizz
  • Kitty
  • Neon
  • Lantern
  • Lem­min
  • LeBron

Animation Modes

The animation mode define how the "fields" are filled

  • Random
  • Solid
  • Ordered
  • Check­board
  • Weird
  • Weirdtwo


Needed Hardware

  • Ikea Expedit Shelf
  • Arduino board
  • 40 LED Modules
  • 12V PSU (for example an old ATX PSU)
  • PS2 Keyboard

Needed Arduino Libraries

Arduino Pin Connections

Hint: This connection setup is for Arduino Duemillanove/Uno..

  • Pin 13: Led Module Clock
  • Pin 11: Led Module Clock
  • GND: Led Module GND
  • Pin 2: PS2 Data
  • Pin 3: PS2 Clock
  • 5v: PS2 5v
  • GND: PS2 GND

Module Placement

The IKEA Expedit shelf with 40 LED Modules looks like this (back view):

   |          |          |          |          |
   |          |          |          |          |
   |          |          |          |          |       
   | 40 39 38 | 37 36 35 | 34 33 32 | 31 30 29 |
   | 17 18 19 | 20 21 22 | 23 24 25 | 26 27 28 |
16 |          |          |          |          |
15 |          |          |          |          |       
14 |          |          |          |          |
   | 13 12 11 | 10 09 08 | 07 06 05 | 04 03 02 |
   |          |          |          |          |
   |          |          |          |          | 01       
   |          |          |          |          | |\
   +----------+----------+----------+----------+ | \
   |          |          |          |          | |  +12V PSU
   |          |          |          |          | |
   |          |          |          |          | Arduino      
   |          |          |          |          |

Module 1,14,15,16 will be always blank.