
Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


This repository is a development environment for Materials Informatics published by Assistant Professor Masaya Kumagai at Kyoto University.



  1. Clone this repository.

    $ git clone https://github.com/kumagallium/mi_docker_base.git
    $ cd mi_docker_base
  2. Build the Docker image.

    $ docker-compose build
  3. Start the Docker container.

    $ docker-compose up
  4. Access the Jupyter Notebook at http://localhost:8888 on your web browser.

Usage of Pipenv

This repository uses Pipenv to manage packages. Below are some basic commands to use Pipenv.

  • To install a package
     $ docker-compose exec mi_docker_base pipenv uninstall [package name]
  • To install packages based on Pipfile.lock
     $ docker-compose exec mi_docker_base pipenv install --ignore-pipfile
  • To install packages with development dependencies based on Pipfile.lock
     $ docker-compose exec mi_docker_base pipenv install --dev
  • To remove the virtual environment based on Pipfile.lock
     $ docker-compose exec mi_docker_base pipenv --rm

For more detailed usage, refer to the official documentation.


This repository is released under the MIT license. For more details, see the LICENSE file.