DeepL(https://www.deepl.com/) Integration for Linux. Select text in any application and simply press Ctrl+C and another shortcut to translate it.
- alkemystCERN
- bertehBelgium
- black-head
- carmanzhangPhD student
- cjeenThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
- CowSmilesChina
- creekpld@COMBASE
- Cygnusfear
- doiftrueEPAM Systems
- ecogitindependent
- fauchezlegouicUniversité de Strasbourg
- fecetSUSTech
- franco27France
- hyardlungSliday LTD
- ifmcodeEdreams ODIGEO
- jschiefner@zweitag
- kadykovMultitel ASBL
- koloved
- lg641135360cn
- liuyunhaozz
- locopine
- MarcMichalskyforumZFD
- MeiYaA
- mihdan@KokocGroup @epam @whisklabs @wpl-agency @granatmedia
- misterbubbly
- nono2357Paris, France
- ruiantunesAveiro, Portugal
- samzornGermany
- thegrasshopper104Hungary
- TheLastZombie
- VitalyRomanov
- vollmacuser
- xdevelx
- yanzzchnWuhan/China
- yzlqmj
- zevilz