Explanation of the "Mental Health Awareness Last 4 Weeks" Dashboard

The "Mental Health Awareness in the Last 4 Weeks" dashboard provides insights into various aspects of mental health care and awareness across different demographics and locations in the United States.

1. State with Minimum Confidence

South Dakota

  • Description: South Dakota has the smallest confidence interval (CI) among all states for the selected mental health indicator.
  • Significance: This suggests that the data collected from South Dakota is more precise and reliable compared to other states. The small range indicates less variability and higher confidence in the accuracy of the data for this state.

2. Confidence Interval by Gender

  • Female: 38.23 - 40.20
  • Male: 31.84 - 34.12


  • The CI for females is wider (1.97 points) compared to males (2.28 points). This suggests that the estimates for males are slightly more precise than those for females.
  • However, both genders have reasonably narrow confidence intervals, indicating reliable data for both groups.