
Ruby on Rails microblogging web application(Test Driven Design)

Primary LanguageRuby

Ruby on Rails microblogging web application having Test Driven Design using bootstrap for frontend.

App consist of login/logout and signup with account activation and password reset via email. A user can post text and/or images, can follow/unfollow people, can view other user profiles and profiles of followed and following users. User home page consists microblogs of own and other users he is following.

Database: Developement: Sqlite3 '1.3.9' Test : Sqlite3 '1.3.9' Production : Postgresql '0.17.1'

Bootstrap : bootstrap-sass ''

Used will_paginate and bootstrap-will_paginate for pagination. Used carrierwave for image uploads and mini_magick for image resizing. Used actionmailer in developement and sendgrid for production

App was deployed on heroku.