We are currently facing a water crisis in our country. Many parts of our country are either water-scarce or water-stressed. The rate at which the water resources are depleting , the future looks bleak. In addition to awareness campaigns regarding water conservation we need to develop scientific solutions for this problem.

Working in this direction , we identified two problems.First is the over-usage and wastage of water by people in their houses and offices. Second , the in-efficiency of taps in our homes. To solve these we came with a solution of a smart valve that is not only efficient but can also regulate the amount of water being used by a single person.

We have created a system of “water-account” just like your bank account. The amount of water used by a person is regulated or fixed based on the estimations done by government and international organizations. There will be a daily-limit and limit for specific water related activities like bathing, washing , brushing etc.

We feel that just like people use their money judiciously because they know it is limited, they will use their water wisely and intelligently because of the limitation.

Since , we have created tap extensions, we do not need to completely change the present water system and thus in the process save a lot of money.