
An android application to make you enjoy random memes from Raddit with share functionality.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Developed an application to make you enjoy random memes from Reddit by making use of Android Backend API (Volley) to make requests to a random meme API to fetch memes data into, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format which standard text-based format for representing structured data based on JavaScript object syntax. It is commonly used for transmitting data in web applications .

Using Glide Module to display online pictures into the image view and also Volley/Glide is an HTTP library that makes networking very easy and fast, for Android apps. It manages the processing and caching of network requests and it saves developers valuable time from writing the same network call/cache code again and again.

We use Recycler view for flexibility of screen widget which is advanced version of Grid view and List view.

It is also used Android Activity Lifecycle methods :

onCreate => called when activity is first created.

onStart => called when activity is becoming visible to the user.

onResume => called when activity will start interacting with the user.

onPause => called when activity is not visible to the user.

onStop => called when activity is no longer visible to the user.

onRestart => called after your activity is stopped, prior to start.

onDestroy => called before the activity is destroyed. to complete all necessary activities of application.

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Snapshots of the project 👇

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