
Julia package for loss functions in machine learning.

Primary LanguageJuliaOtherNOASSERTION


LossFunctions.jl is a Julia package that provides efficient and well-tested implementations for a diverse set of loss functions that are commonly used in Machine Learning.

Package Status Package Evaluator Build Status
License Documentation Status Pkg Eval 0.5 Pkg Eval 0.6 Build Status Build status Coverage Status

Available Losses

Distance-based (Regression) Margin-based (Classification)
distance_losses margin_losses

Others: PeriodicLoss, PoissonLoss, ScaledLoss


The following code snippets show a simple "hello world" scenario of how a Loss can be used to compute the element-wise values.

using LossFunctions

true_targets = [  1,  0, -2]
pred_outputs = [0.5,  1, -1]

value(L2DistLoss(), true_targets, pred_outputs)
3-element Array{Float64,1}:

Alternatively, one can also use the loss like a function

myloss = L2DistLoss()
myloss(true_targets, pred_outputs) # same result as above

The function signatures of value also apply to the derivatives.

deriv(L2DistLoss(), true_targets, pred_outputs)
3-element Array{Float64,1}:

Additionally, we provide mutating versions of most functions.

buffer = zeros(3)
deriv!(buffer, L2DistLoss(), true_targets, pred_outputs)

If need be, one can also compute the mean- or sum-value efficiently, without allocating a temporary array.

# or meanvalue
sumvalue(L2DistLoss(), true_targets, pred_outputs)

Note that this only shows a small part of the functionality this package provides. For more information please have a look at the documentation.


Check out the latest documentation

Additionally, you can make use of Julia's native docsystem. The following example shows how to get additional information on HingeLoss within Julia's REPL:



This package is registered in METADATA.jl and can be installed as usual



This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.