
Webpack 3 React, Redux and Sass boilerplate

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Webpack 3 ES6 React, Redux and Sass Boilerplate

Simple ES6 React, Redux and Sass boilerplate under Webpack 3. Based loosely on Kliment Petrov boilerplate.

Dev server

Ensure you have Node installed, then;

git clone https://github.com/thekeogh/webpack-react-redux .

Install node modules

npm install

Copy the .env.example for your development and production variables.

cp .env.example .env
cp .env.example .env.production

Start the server

npm start
// Or for Webpack Dashboard
npm run dev

Open your browser to http://localhost:8111. You can change the hostname and port by editing the values in the .env you created above.

dotenv-safe is used for the .env variables, therefore all .env vars must be declared in the .env.example file for them to be usable in the app.

You are provided with two .env files, a .env which is used for your local development app (webpack dev server) and a .env.production which will be used when building your production ready assets via npm run build (see below).

By default .env.production is in .gitignore, if this doesn't contain any sensitive information, you may want to commit it.


A few simple tests have been included using Jest and Enzyme.

npm test

Production build

To build production ready assets, simply run:

npm run build

This will build a uglified app-[hash].js and a minified app-[hash].css and automatically create a index.html linking these files for you in a build/ directory.

The build/ directory is .gitignore'd by default, and purged before every build.


We can deploy to now (zeit) right out the box. Ensure you have the now-cli installed globally with npm first.

Edit the now.json in the root, change this to the name of your app, then run:

npm run deploy

This will build the production assets and deploy to now.

To alias your deployment (e.g. my-app.example.com or my-app.now.sh) supply your alias in the now.json and run:

npm run alias

Your deployment should now be aliased.

If you want to deploy to now for production also, then you will likely have a slightly different config for production (i.e. a different alias pointing to your live domain). There is a supplied now.production.json config for this. To deploy/alias to production run:

npm run deploy-production
npm run alias-production

Available commands

  • npm start - start the dev server
  • npm run clean - delete the build folder
  • npm run lint - run a eslint check
  • npm test - run all tests
  • npm run dev - start the dev server using webpack dashboard
  • npm run build - create a production ready build in the build folder
  • npm run deploy - deploy the production build to now
  • npm run alias - alias the deployed build on now
  • npm run deploy-production - deploy the production build to a production ready now instance
  • npm run alias-production - alias the deployed build on a production ready now instance