
Stock Analysis Tutorial in Python

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Simple Stock Analysis in Python

This is tutorial for Simple Stock Analysis. It is very simple and easy to understand for beginners that wants to learn about stock analysis and wants to become a quant. In addition, this tutorial if for people that want to learn python to analyze the stock market. However, if you already know about stock analyze this will not be for you.

The order is from #1 through #26. You learn number 1 first and you go in order. Once you finished, you will know how to write codes in python and understand finance and stock market. ㊗️


Python 3.5+
Jupyter Notebook Python 3


  • fix_yahoo_finance
  • TensorFlow 1.10.0
  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • ta-lib
  • matlibplot
  • sklearn


Pick a symbol, you want to analyze.

symbol = '...' <-- ... input a symbol

Pick a 'start' date and 'end' date for certain time frame to analyze.

start = '...' & end = '...' <-- input a date


# Libraries
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import warnings

# fix_yahoo_finance is used to fetch data 
import fix_yahoo_finance as yf

# input
symbol = 'AAPL' # Apple Company
start = '2018-01-01'
end = '2019-01-01'

# Read data 
df = yf.download(symbol,start,end)

# View Columns

Example Stock Charts:

Example Stock Scripts

In command DOS drive 'C:\ '

Find where you put the code .py in?

How to run python scripts in command prompt(cmd) or Windows PowerShell?

Type: python SimpleStockChartScripts.py

🍎 List of questions for simple stock tutorial in python:

  1. How to get data from yahoo, quandl, or other sites?
  2. How to scrape historical data, fundamental data, and news data?
  3. How to analyze the stock data?
  4. How to make a trendlines?
  5. How to use Technical Analysis and Fundamental Analysis?
  6. How to add and save to csv file?
  7. How to customize table and make beautiful plot?
  8. How to create class and function for stock?
  9. How to create and run scripts?
  10. How to applied statistics and timeseries for stock?
  11. How to create buy and sell signals?
  12. How to create stock prediction in machine learning and deep learning?
  13. How to create simple stock strategy?
  14. Example of python libraries for Technical Analysis and fetching historical stock prices.

❌ If the code does not load or reload, click here: 👉 https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/
Paste the code in the box.

I tried to make it simple as possible to understand finance data and how to analyze the data by using python language.

If you want to learn different simple function for stock analysis, go to: https://github.com/LastAncientOne/100_Day_Challenge

If you want to learn more advance stock analyze or different language in finance, go to: https://github.com/LastAncientOne/Stock-Analysis

If you into deep learning or machine learning for finance, go to: https://github.com/LastAncientOne/Deep-Learning-Machine-Learning-Stock

If you want to learn about Mathematics behind deep learning or machine learning, go to: https://github.com/LastAncientOne/Mathematics_for_Machine_Learning

Reading Material

https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/stock-analysis.asp (Basic Stock Analysis)

https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/093014/stock-quotes-explained.asp (Understand Stock Data)

https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/trendline.asp (Understand Trendline)


  • Tin Hang


🔻 Do not use this code for investing or trading in the stock market. Stock market is unpredictable. 📈 📉 However, if you are interest in the stock market, you should read many 📚 books that relate to stock market, investment, or finance. The more books you read, the more understand and the more knowledge you gain. On the other hand, if you into quant or machine learning, read books about 📘 machine trading, algorithmic trading, and quantitative trading.

This is not get rich quick and is for researching and educational purposes.