Pinned Repositories
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
For Git Tutorial
We will be demonstrating a sample access control over a server through a planted remote device e.g. Raspberry Pi. That device will perform exploitation and post exploitation tasks within the network by compromising the live hosts available in that network. We just place the malicious device in the premises so that it can capture the wifi signal of organizations internal network then we establish a remote connection to the device and will scan the network from that implanted device, for demonstration purpose we scan a vulnerable system so that it can be easily exploited so that we will take control over the server. Also Created a Web App through which each action can be done easily.
We will be demonstrating a sample access control over a server through a planted remote device e.g. Raspberry Pi. That device will perform exploitation and post exploitation tasks within the network by compromising the live hosts available in that network. We just place the malicious device in the premises so that it can capture the wifi signal of organizations internal network then we establish a remote connection to the device and will scan the network from that implanted device, for demonstration purpose we scan a vulnerable system so that it can be easily exploited so that we will take control over the server. Also Created a Web App through which each action can be done easily. It consists of step by step action and suggestion for carrying out attack and mitigate attack.
A multipurpose plugin for alert, confirm & dialog, with extended features.
A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles
A polling web app to take vote on different issue which being going on in current affairs. Adhhar Card number will be use to authenticate any user.
Using Ethereum Server & Web3.js frameword
A static code analyzer tool coded in C using Rabin-Karp algorithm and hash table for vulnerabilities.
code testing
kumarvikash15's Repositories
A static code analyzer tool coded in C using Rabin-Karp algorithm and hash table for vulnerabilities.
We will be demonstrating a sample access control over a server through a planted remote device e.g. Raspberry Pi. That device will perform exploitation and post exploitation tasks within the network by compromising the live hosts available in that network. We just place the malicious device in the premises so that it can capture the wifi signal of organizations internal network then we establish a remote connection to the device and will scan the network from that implanted device, for demonstration purpose we scan a vulnerable system so that it can be easily exploited so that we will take control over the server. Also Created a Web App through which each action can be done easily.
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
For Git Tutorial
We will be demonstrating a sample access control over a server through a planted remote device e.g. Raspberry Pi. That device will perform exploitation and post exploitation tasks within the network by compromising the live hosts available in that network. We just place the malicious device in the premises so that it can capture the wifi signal of organizations internal network then we establish a remote connection to the device and will scan the network from that implanted device, for demonstration purpose we scan a vulnerable system so that it can be easily exploited so that we will take control over the server. Also Created a Web App through which each action can be done easily. It consists of step by step action and suggestion for carrying out attack and mitigate attack.
A multipurpose plugin for alert, confirm & dialog, with extended features.
A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles
A polling web app to take vote on different issue which being going on in current affairs. Adhhar Card number will be use to authenticate any user.
Using Ethereum Server & Web3.js frameword
code testing
Ethereum JavaScript API