
API Automation with Chai and Mocha

Primary LanguageJavaScript

API Automation with Chai and Mocha


  1. Must have installed NodeJS in you machine.
  2. Install yarn globally - npm install -g yarn

Steps to start with Project:

  1. npm install - it will install all dependencies you have in your package.json

Here I am using reqres.in API.

Install Prettier Plugin from Extentions at VSCode and create .prettierrc file and put below code in it. { "tabWidth": 2, "singleQuote": true, "semi": true, "useTabs": true }

Run Tests:

  1. yarn test - to run all tests
  2. yarn test test/users.js - to run specif file
  3. yarn test test/users.js --grep 'Get Users' - To run a specific test case
  4. yarn test/<folder_name> - to run specific folder