React Canvas Captcha

Add captcha to your react projects

React Captcha Image


  npm install react-canvas-captcha


  yarn add react-canvas-captcha


import Captcha from "react-canvas-captcha";

const App = () => {
  const [generatedCaptcha, setGeneratedCaptcha] = useState('');

  return (
        numberOfChars: 4,
        font: "bold 23px Arial",
        textStartingX: 15,
        textStartingY: 5,
      setCode={(captchaCode) => setGeneratedCaptcha(captchaCode)}

export default App;


Parameter Name Default Value Description
boxHeight 50 Height of the canvas box
boxWidth 130 Width of the canvas box
refreshButton false Show or hide the refresh button. To show the refresh button make this "true"
caseType mix Use caseType to make the captcha code case sensitive or use mix. options (mix, uppercase, lowercase)
captchaConfig { numberOfChars: 4, font: 'bold 23px Arial', textStartingX: 15, textStartingY: 5 } Config for the box. Set the number of characters usinng prop "numberOfChars". Use "font" to set the font styling. Use "textStartingX" to set the horizontal starting point for characters inside the box. Use "textStartingY" to set the vertical starting point for characters inside the box.
setCode Use this function to get the new captcha code