
A demo app using push notification without any frontend lib/platform

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a server written in Express to send push notification to the noti-app in o ther folder.

Serve the server with:

DEBUG=noti-server:* npm start

Instruction on configuration the push notification

Before you create the push notification, you will need to do these following steps:

1. Config service-worker.js

Express server has already configured the /{file} map to ./public/, just put the sw.js into this folder.

2. Update manifest.json

manifest.json is a file served in the root path: example.com/manifest.json, contains pwa app and directory to service worker.

In manifest.json, there is 1 place to config: gcm_sender_id, you will need to get this from

3. Use Firebase Cloud Messaging API

Enable FCM API Link

You will need to config inside Push Notification in Server side ./routes/push-noti.js:

    TTL: 2419200, // Default to 4 weeks!
    vapidDetails: {
        subject: `mailto:<your-email>`,

In the client side, you will need to config ./public/js/main.js. This is an actual 4 action in client side you will need to:

  • init
  • subscribe (send endpoint to server)
  • unsubscribe (send endpoint to server)
  • send alert (config parameters)

This is a pretty simple demo using express, to show you an example of using service worker and push notification using Firebase Cloud Messaging.