- Conda 4.10.3 # conda -V
- Python 3.10.4 # python3 -V
- Pip3 22.1.2 # pip3 -V
$pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- docs
- rkm
- data
- cluster
- utils
- vis
- out
- requirement.txt
$ssh ky8517@tiger.princeton.edu
$tmux ls
$tmux new -s rkm
#tmux attach -t rkm
$cd /scratch/gpfs/ky8517/rkm/src
$module purge
$module load anaconda3/2021.11
#conda env list
#conda create --name py3104_rkm python=3.10.4
#conda activate py3104
#pip install -r ../requirements.txt # you should install in the login node (not in compute nodes)
$python3 hpc_sbatch.py
- All the update details can be seen in UPDATE.md
- Email: kun88.yang@gmail.com