Programmable Networks, Group 2
Miro Haller, Roger Baumgartner, Tim Matter, Jules Bachmann and Jan Urech
Project description
Problems the user faces
- Non-intuitive interaction with topology, low-level router configuration needed
- Manual changes have hard to predict outcomes
- Error-prone maintenance and update process
- No way to directly specify high-level requirements
Goals of our project
Given a high-level network property and a network topology, figure out how to visualize to the user how the property affects the network configuration.
Notes from first meeting
Preparation Notes
Debrief Notes
David Fischer, Junior Network Engineer
Hans-Peter Dullinger, Senior Network Engineer
High-level properties of the network
We were asked by our stakeholder to derive the properties which we should later visualize. Here is a list of what we found in various papers and projects.
50 Thoughts
Concrete ideas
Split screen: Controls + Graph
Social media for network graphs
Full screen network graph
Programmable networks: 3 ideas PPT presentation (pdf)
Paper prototype
Here's a video of our paper prototype in action:
(Direct download)
Final solution
Since our paper prototype, we did two more iterations on the UI. One from the paper prototype to the clickable mockup (which we used for our study) and another for the video prototype. The changes are described in this document.
Video showcasing our prototype
The general idea of our video was to show two scenarios. In both we first motivate our solution by showing the problem it solves. Then in the second part of each scenario we show how this action looks in our prototype specifically.
Here is the storyboard for the first scenario:
And here is the storyboard of the second scenario: