
Product developer work samples - Node.js variant

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Product developer work samples - Node.js variant

  1. Front End Track - https://eq-works-sample.netlify.app/
  2. Back End Track - https://eq-works-sample.herokuapp.com/
  3. API Docs - https://eq-works-sample.herokuapp.com/api-docs/

Front End Track

Data source - eq works Visualization options

  1. Graph View - Bar and Line Graph Features:
    1.1 Daily View - Shows the data with days on xLabel fetched from the DB
    1.2 Hourly view - Shows the data with hours on xLabel based on a particular days.
    User can select the date using date-selector drop down to see the hourly data for the selected date

  2. Table View - Table showing the fetched datasets Features:
    2.1 Daily Data
    2.2 Hourly Data
    2.3 Table supports fuzzy search

  3. Map View - Shows the markers and names based on the location coordinates fetched from DB. Features:
    3.1 Supports Zoom in and Zoom out
    3.2 Multiple Markers and Names on the same coordinate are put on the circumference of a circe (with center as coordinates) to avoid stacking and better user experience
    3.3 Markers are colored from lightRed to Dark Red based on the intesity of the data
    3.4 Date selector and Metric selector Dropdown available 3.5 Hovering over Markers shows the exact Data of the metric selected by the metric selector dropdown

Backend Track

api-rate-limiter uses token-bucket logic with redis as database. Features:

  1. Memory efficient - Stores data in the nested object format {USERID : {endPoint1: { availableTokens : Number } } }
  2. Fast Data access using key value pairs
  3. Reliable - Using Redis store as server store which is fast and reliable
  4. Persistant - Incase of Redis server crash, Redis config can be configured to make the store peristent and keep backing up
  5. Live API documentation using swagger

created by Kunal Dhawan